Does your vehicle have a chipped windscreen?

C ar windshield chip could turn into a crack at any time, often when you are least expecting it. If this happens when you are driving, it could lead to a major accident and put you and your family in danger.

Car windshield chip repair is important to avoid further damage and potential danger. Our professionally trained and experienced technicians will be happy to advise you on the best course of action and can carry out the repairs with absolutely no hassle.

A guide to repairable windshield damage:
Windshield damage can be of many types and sizes, whether it is repairable or not depends the nature of the damage which is primarily the size of damage and the spot of the damage on the windshield.

Why you should get the chip repaired rather than changing the windshield itself?

  • Windshield Chip Repair saves money.
  • It saves the environment.
  • It keeps the original fitting of the windshield intact so there is no fear of water dripping from the lining area (which usually happens after replacement).
  • It retains your car’s resale value.

Along with Car Windshield Chip Repair, we provide Windshield Polishing & Rectification & Windscreen Coating services.

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